Silvio Berlusconi: 11 overwhelming questions


Silvio Berlusconi and the dark aspects of Italy: why writing a book  about them? Silvio Berlusconi is “not just any old charlatan”, as the Nov. 21, 2011 Newsweek cover reads.  As I have said time and again, Silvio Berlusconi’s ventennio (his twenty years in office) is a privileged observatory as far as the future of democracy is…

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Adults in the Room – review


The courage, the stress, the loneliness, the fatigue, the hard work, the uncertainties, the toughness of a war voluntarily chosen for a high moral duty. What happens when you take on the establishment? In this blistering, personal account, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe’s hidden agenda and exposes what actually goes on…

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Well-fed young television-watchers or freedom fighters? Of juvenile rebelliousness and social commitment


Since my book on Italian society in the last ventennio is also a warning against the contemporary erosion of democracy in the Western World – as I have said time and again, the Italy of the so-called Berlusconi Age is a privileged observatory -, a chapter of my work deals with some dystopian writers of…

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Democracy’s future: painless concentration camp for societies?


Erosion of democracy in contemporary society  “The final revolution: a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies”: fact or fiction? Writing about Berlusconi’s Italy also means discussing the shrinking of democracy in the contemporary Western world. Berlusconi’s ventennio (the twenty years from 1994 to 2014) is a privileged observatory of the negative tendencies of…

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