Film reviews in English 2021-23


IL SOL DELL’AVVENIRE RAPITO Kidnapped review – Marco Bellocchio’s antisemitism drama is a classic in the making  STONEBREAKERS per cercare di capire le ragioni seminali del movimento black lives matter, della furia iconoclasta verso le statue di Colombo e l’annosa questione dello sterminio della comunità indiana d’America THE MARCH ON ROME a documentary essay…

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Film reviews in English 2019

  [CLICK IMAGE FOR ARTICLE]   Sorry Mr P. Bradshaw, but The Irishman is definitively not Martin Scorsese’s finest film for 30 years. It is a kind of Goodfellas part 2, same narrative technique, use of soundtrack, voice-over, multiple timeline narration and flashbacks. Same actors, looking sometimes like a pantomime of themselves: making them younger by computer…

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– My movies 2019 -JOKER: pretty villain with a tender heart


Reviews, thoughts, impressions, links, suggestions from a movie lover (English and Italian) Even if the story is well-known – the good-hearted loser revenging the cruelty of a merciless society – J. Phoenix performance gives the character a decaying romantic touch that makes the movie: Reduced to a skeletal state … by a diet of nicotine and pain,…

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