Loro, the movie. Money for nothing and chicks for free. The immoral majority’s and Berlusconi’s philosophy


Loro 1, Loro 2, regia Paolo Sorrentino, 2018 “What did you expect: to be the richest man in the country, become prime minister and be madly loved by everyone too?” “Yes, that’s exactly what I expected.”   I approached this two instalment movie with a certain apprehension. In Il Divo (2008), Sorrentino portrayed Giulio Andreotti…

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Film reviews in English 2020

Non c’è fine agli effetti collaterali del capitalismo post-moderno. Quando andrà in pensione, signor Loach, sicuramente ci mancherà Director Ken Loach and screenwriter Paul Laverty have come storming back to Cannes with another tactlessly passionate bulletin from the heart of modern Britain, the land of zero-hours vassalage and service-economy serfdom – a film in the…

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Film reviews in English 2019

  [CLICK IMAGE FOR ARTICLE]   Sorry Mr P. Bradshaw, but The Irishman is definitively not Martin Scorsese’s finest film for 30 years. It is a kind of Goodfellas part 2, same narrative technique, use of soundtrack, voice-over, multiple timeline narration and flashbacks. Same actors, looking sometimes like a pantomime of themselves: making them younger by computer…

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