Elezioni 2018: le foche ammaestrate e il cavaliere oscuro


The tame seals and the dark (ex) knight (article in Italian). La news più fake: Berlusconi Presidente. Passando occasionalmente davanti ad un televisore acceso ieri sera, ultimo giorno di campagna elettorale, ho avuto una visione surreale: l’ex Cavaliere, in uno avanzato stato di sfacelo che chirurgia plastica e trucco pesante non riescono a celare del…

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Berlusconi’s legal problems: the ‘fake’ sentence in the corruption of senator De Gregorio’s trial

Silvio Berlusconi Sergio De Gregorio

Another leg of the Berlusconi’s legal problems saga: sentenced to pro forma three years in jail for corrupting opposition senator in the first trial. Why is il Cavaliere still (almost) untouchable by the law?  Here is another episode of the Berlusconi’s legal problems saga: On July 8, 2015, Silvio Berlusconi was sentenced to three years in jail for…

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Democracy’s future: painless concentration camp for societies?


Erosion of democracy in contemporary society  “The final revolution: a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies”: fact or fiction? Writing about Berlusconi’s Italy also means discussing the shrinking of democracy in the contemporary Western world. Berlusconi’s ventennio (the twenty years from 1994 to 2014) is a privileged observatory of the negative tendencies of…

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